On March 8, 2019, ARL filed its factum at the Supreme Court of Canada in Stillman v. The Queen and R. v. Beaudry. We have previously written about how these military justice appeals offer the Court a rare opportunity to provide guidance on the doctrine of horizontal stare decisis. ARL’s factum proposes a framework that we hope will assist the Court in clarifying the law for intermediate appellate courts — and lawyers, and litigants — across the country.
You can read ARL’s factum here.
Our next step is to appear before the Court at the hearing of the appeals, on March 26, 2019. If you have thoughts on our submissions, please let us know! We would be grateful for input from the ARL community as we prepare.
Adam Goldenberg and Peter Grbac are litigators at McCarthy Tétrault LLP. They are representing ARL in these appeals.